My Magical Morning: 3 rituals to start the day fresh
Sunlight of the Spirit
May 2016
There is something inherently magical about early mornings, especially when you catch a vibrant sunrise.
To be honest though, I’m one of those people who adores her sleep, particularly sleeping in. For years, waking up when my alarm buzzed (after hitting snooze x5 until the last possible minute) was basically the bane of my existence. But over the last couple years, I generally wake up excited for a fresh day and eager for another 24 hours to learn whatever lessons come my way.
One of the most valuable things I know is that I am responsible for the creation of my own magic. And that there is magic in the mundane, but I gotta be willing to see it and be in awe.
I am the magician.
The other thing I’ve learned is that scrolling through social media and email before I’ve gotten out of bed does not make for a magical morning. Surprise, surprise.
So there are a few routines I’ve established to infuse my mornings with magic and tend to the spirit, body, and mind.
I don’t follow the 3 rituals to a tee every single day (progress not perfection), but the days that I do are truly magical and full of ease. These tips can apply to anyone: entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms, the employed, the unemployed, college students, and retirees alike.
1. Wash the spirit
When I wake up, I usually shuffle a couple of steps over to my window and kneel down, peering at the sunrise or the post-sunrise. I clasp my hands and I give thanks that I woke up and got another day. I ask that my actions be guided for my highest good and the highest good of others, and I ask that my thoughts be kept on the plane of inspiration. And since I have strong escape and avoid tendencies, I’ll ask for the courage to face the day, whatever it brings.
Then I read my 2 daily meditation readers. Both are short passages by Melody Beattie. One is her book, “Journey to the Heart” and the other is her book, “The Language of Letting Go.” It's also available in an app which I use for convenience and travel. I ponder the messages of both and I let them seep into my brain and wash over my consciousness as I go downstairs to power up my blender for breakfast and brew my 1 cup of coffee.
2. Fuel the body
For breakfast, I am simply obsessed with smoothie bowls. I vary up the ingredients and flavors, but I feel my best when I begin my day with a rich, energizing & satiating protein smoothie bowl. Food is indeed medicine. One of my favorites is a simple cacao bowl: 1 cup coconut milk, 1 scoop sun warrior vegan protein, 1/4 avocado, 1 scoop collagen powder, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 tbs. cacao powder, and 1 tbs. flaxseed. I like to add a mix of crunchy & creamy toppings, such as pumpkin seeds, almond slivers, mulberries, cacao nibs, cinnamon sprinkles, and almond butter drizzles.
3. Center the mind
After breakfast comes a moment of pause as I am faced with the two diverged roads. I can head right into my workday with a frenzied mentality and get suffocated by my email inbox and my lengthy to-do list. Or—I can take a few minutes to do some deep-breathing & sit quietly, a.k.a. meditation. I refer to meditation as my “adult time-out.” Because just like a child’s time-out, if I don’t take a breather and carve out some space to be still & breathe, then I am susceptible to being cranky, unruly, and acting on my every emotion under stress. Opting for a time-out vs. jumping straight into a busy day allows me to feel light, easy, and focused.
If you’re new to meditation and intimidated by how to get started, start small. Set your phone timer for 3-5 minutes, get comfortable seated or lying down, and listen to yourself breathing while envisioning your favorite color. Thoughts will intrude, as they do, but let them go. That is meditation. (Also, this app and this app are my faves if you want to listen to someone guide you through a meditation.)
As an entrepreneur & working mostly from home, starting my morning off healthy & strong is very important to the health & strength of my business. Taking care of me is simultaneously taking care of my business. A little prayer, healthy food, and stillness before emails and clients is just what I need to keep my mental headspace dwelling in magic & possibility. But these morning rituals, modified as needed, will benefit anyone. Taking care of yourself and decreasing your own stress levels is a necessity for you and will positively affect everyone you come into contact with--your kids, parents, coworkers, clients, friends, family, and fellow humans.